Previous Developments
Previous Developments DWH
Quarterjack Park comprises a range of 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes in Wimborne Minster, close to local schools, shops and family-friendly pubs and restaurants. The development has excellent road links to Bournemouth, Poole, Southampton and the New Forest National Park.
Following an outline permission obtained by Gleeson Developments in 2018, Reserved Matters approval was secured by Barratt David Wilson Homes in 2019 with East Dorset District Council granting permission for 305 new homes and public open space.
Details can be found on the Dorset Council planning website using the reference number 3/18/2262/RM.
Construction is now well under way with homes available for purchase. For more information please visit our sales page by clicking here.
In response to Dorset Council’s housing supply shortfall and the need to make most efficient use of Local Plan allocation sites, we have identified the potential to raise the total number of units on the site by 18 units. This would be achieved mainly by replacing 4-bedroom homes with smaller units, in the lower-density areas of the site in the centre and south. Plans were submitted to Dorset Council in Spring 2021, there will be the opportunity to make representations directly to planning officers in the usual way when the Council consults on the scheme. We anticipate a decision during Summer 2021.