Current Developments

Niveus Walk (Land North of Wincombe Lane, Shaftesbury)

This site is located to the north east of Shaftesbury, to the north of Wincombe Lane and Blackmore Road, and south east of Wincombe Business Park. This was the subject of a planning application 191 homes, back in 2014 (ref: 2/2014/1350/FUL). This was given permission in 2016, and (after planning conditions were agreed with the Council), a material start was made on site. The site has also been included in the Shaftesbury Neighbourhood Plan and the North Dorset Local Plan.  Although several years have passed, we remain committed to bringing development forward, albeit the circumstances are now quite different and our designs for the site have been updated. In April 2021 we submitted a planning application to Dorset Council for an updated planning permission. The main points to note in this are:

  • 162 units instead of 191
  • Reducing the density and formality
  • Omission of land south of Wincombe Lane which in the previous scheme contained 17 units. We no longer have control over that area of land.
  • Fewer buildings over two storeys
  • A greater number of family sized homes
  • A reduction in the number of terraces and larger buildings
  • Provision of 30% affordable housing provision on-site (in lieu of 15% plus financial contribution)
  • Slight modifications to the access

Key features such as landscape planting, footpath linkages and stand-off distances from existing properties remain in keeping with the original permission.

Further documents and details are available on the Dorset Council website.

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